Cuidando da sua saúde mental

Atendimento psicológico acolhedor e personalizado para você.

Terapia Online

Atendimento flexível e acessível para todos.

Superação de desafios emocionais e relacionais.

Desenvolvimento de habilidades e relacionamentos saudáveis.

Terapia Presencial
Ambiente seguro e acolhedor para você.

Cuide da sua saúde mental

No Espaço Vereda, oferecemos atendimento psicológico acolhedor e personalizado para ajudar você a superar desafios emocionais e construir relacionamentos saudáveis.

Psicóloga Diana Regina, formada pela Universidade Paulista e pós graduada em Psicodrama e Psicologia Familiar Sistêmica.

Scrabble tiles spelling out the words 'MENTAL HEALTH' are arranged in two rows on a white background. To the right of the tiles is a small green branch with four leaves.
Scrabble tiles spelling out the words 'MENTAL HEALTH' are arranged in two rows on a white background. To the right of the tiles is a small green branch with four leaves.
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
Black tiles with white letters spell out 'MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS' on a textured gray stone surface.
Black tiles with white letters spell out 'MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS' on a textured gray stone surface.

Quem somos nós

A Psicóloga Diana Regina se dedica a oferecer um espaço seguro para trabalhar questões como ansiedade, depressão e relacionamentos. Venha conhecer.

Serviços de Psicologia

Atendimentos presenciais e online para sua saúde mental com empatia e respeito.

A close-up view of a bookshelf showing a psychology section label with books stored horizontally. One prominent book with a colorful spine that transitions from blue to red is partially visible.
A close-up view of a bookshelf showing a psychology section label with books stored horizontally. One prominent book with a colorful spine that transitions from blue to red is partially visible.
Terapia Individual Personalizada

Apoio para ansiedade, depressão e desafios emocionais em um ambiente acolhedor.

Psicoterapia Familiar Sistêmica

Técnicas para melhorar relacionamentos e lidar com questões familiares de forma eficaz.

Psicodrama e Emoções

Aprenda a lidar com suas emoções e desenvolver habilidades para uma vida equilibrada.

A psicóloga Diana Regina me ajudou a superar desafios emocionais com empatia e profissionalismo. Recomendo muito!

Maria Silva

Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
A person wearing glasses and a shirt with the phrase 'Mental Health Matters' printed on it stands against a dark background. They have long, wavy hair and are wearing a green cardigan.
A person wearing glasses and a shirt with the phrase 'Mental Health Matters' printed on it stands against a dark background. They have long, wavy hair and are wearing a green cardigan.



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